At a fall 2007 gathering at Imago Earth Center, a group of individuals concerned about the environment met to discuss local food resources. Several of these eaters of local foods saw the need for an all inclusive directory of resources. This desire brought community members, farmers and staff from local non-profits together to produce the 2008 Eat Local guide. A second edition was completed in the spring of 2009. And now we’re in our 16th year. Imago, a nonprofit, mentors and financially houses the initiative.
2016 CORV Team from L to R:
Jim Lowenburg, Running Creek Farm
Diana Porter, Farm Market of College Hill
Karen Arnett, Mt. Healthy Honey
Deborah Jordan, Enright Ridge
David Rosenberg, Wooden Shoe Garden
Breanna Parker, Breanna Parker Design
Anita Sorkin, Certified Holistic Health Coach
Karen Egan, Homeadow Song Farm
Not pictured:
Jo Ann Kavanaugh, Mt. Washington
Deborah Jordan, Boldface Creek Watershed
Kitchen Cabinet
Jim Lowenburg, Running Creek Farm
Project Support
Dylan Cahalan, Clifton (Farmers’ Markets, Distribution)
Karen Egan, Homeadow Song Farm (Growers)
Rachel Powers, (Local Food and CORV advocate)
Pam Rollandelli, (Editing and Restaurants)
Cover PHOTO (front)
BACK Photo
Marykate Glenn, Mustard Seed Farm (top)
James Linne, White Clover Farm (bottom)
Marykate Glenn, Mustard Seed Farm
Andrea McLearen (design and layout)
Design by Breanna Parker
Thanks to Susan Miller-Stigler & Ken Stigler (kenstiglerphotography.com) for many years of hosting and posting.
Too many to list